Sunday, July 10, 2011

Lazy Days

Outside, the sun blazes down, edging the temperature ever higher. The thick blanket of humidity adds another layer of warmth, making any venture from the comfort of air conditioned climes feel a bit like a slog through the rain forest. The height of summer has arrived here in Kansas City, and with it, a slowing of time and a diminishing sense of urgency. It is just too hot to rush about with a crazed need to check fifteen things off one's to-do list in under an hour. Whatever there is that needs to be done will certainly get done in time. 

I, for one, am inclined to remain holed up inside my house, a rare foray into laziness that I am quite enjoying. I started the morning with an accustomed level of busyness, making breakfast, prepping meals for the week, etc. Yet, once I sat down to enjoy my breakfast, I realized I had no desire to do a whole lot else today. I read the paper, completed the New York Times crossword, and decided that if all I achieved today was sitting back with a tall glass of ice water and enjoying a good book, I would consider it a success. No need to take a long walk that in this heat would leave me drenched in sweat, hot, irritable, and exhausted if I don't really want to. No reason to feel guilty for hiding away from the abundant sunshine for the day. Every reason to embrace this lull and allow myself some time to recharge for whatever may come these next few days. I hope each of you, too, enjoys a day of peace, a day where you do just as you please to prepare for the week. Here are to the lazy days of summer, of which there are plenty more to come.

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