Friday, March 11, 2011

A Short Introduction

So, here it is.  My first grand attempt to enter into the world of blogging.  I won't even begin to claim that what I do in this space will be anything more than creating additional noise in an already chaotic space.  Really, it is my selfish attempt to harness the frenetic thoughts running through my brain and order them into some form of controlled chaos.

That said, why the wayward journey?  The honest answer?  I couldn't think of anything better at the time I plunged into creating this blog.  (I had to jump in head first, otherwise, I would have just walked away from it completely.)  While much of my life has been fairly traditional, I am most proud of the choices I have made that led me astray, that made me unique, and that made me richer and my life deeper.  And while right now I find myself mired in the traditional, a small part of me hopes that through blogging about the choices of my past and my aspirations for the future, I will somehow be able to find my own way again.


  1. Hi, Wendy! *waves* Though you might feel your life is pretty traditional, you have done way more exciting things than most people I know! I do believe Steven got sick of hearing when we first reconnected "Wendy did this and Wendy's done that." :)

  2. Thanks, Amanda! Let's hope that as this blog progresses, I'll have more interesting things to add to the list of my past deeds...and if my audience ever grows, hopefully I can hear from others about the extraordinary in their lives.
